II got rid of my brain & my reports some years ago.

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Welcome back! Don't worry about it, if it breaks again we can fix it againgoodlookingone wrote:Hello...I'm Back. Much thanks Mr Angus..
Things keep going wrong here ..Don't think I'll touch anything else....
Ah, you may have been thinking of "Rod". Rodney (the Leprechaun) travels, he's visiting with us before his next trip, which I believe is to India next month! Rodney does have his own ML account as well, but he's usually too busy drinking to postgoodlookingone wrote:I was cosidering Rodney as an ML'r, but I now remember a Leprachaun of thet name... But didn't know who He resided with.
Maybe not, sounds like it could be a bad one. I recall a single-car crash many years ago on a dual-carriageway just outside Dublin - car left the road, hit a barrier, and was cut in two. The two halves hit an underpass pier, and were themselves cut in two. Four occupants in the car. All four walked away, almost unhurt ....goodlookingone wrote:Was about to meander off to get me pills.... but I just read the on-line local paper. Two cars in a suburbian 30 mph "Head-on" crash in a modern Wide road crashed - Couple of elderly driver severed one car into two, and the other also a right-off... Not certain that now is a good time to venture to the High Road.