Another Good Morning to All
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Thanks for that Brian. I did look into the U3A, only to find three groups within (say) 15 Miles. But none of them seemed to stimulate my interest. (Ok, the Venues of all were under change, so another search might be worthwhile). I'm also inerested in The Local History Group - although they also seem to have Limited span: I asked about The origins of my Grandfathers Area, but as Some Government built an Arterial Road (1925-7) so a different group look after that area of this entire village, and when I asked about the Spitfires being musterred (possibly for dismantling and despatched to the East) I have been Directed to the "Tilbury Shipping" Group. I'm not complainng about that, but I have plenty of utilitarean matters to concentrate on for some months yet to come, so my tiny mind has only a limited span of stimulation for awhile.
Incidentally, That Arterial Road that I mentioned, was not imediately needed for motoring: It's (then) purpose was to soak up the unemployment. Now its a twice-daily Roadblock.
I sometimes wonder if My House stands in the very path that My Ol' Grandad walked through to and from The Railway Staion en-route to work?
Incidentally, That Arterial Road that I mentioned, was not imediately needed for motoring: It's (then) purpose was to soak up the unemployment. Now its a twice-daily Roadblock.
I sometimes wonder if My House stands in the very path that My Ol' Grandad walked through to and from The Railway Staion en-route to work?
Re: Another Good Morning to All
Just popping in to send a spiky hug to Twellsy...... And to wish her well and a speedy recovery.....
I've noticed there's a Large White Bear lying near the door..... Or it might be a mucky white rug I suppose.... I nearly tripped over it anyway....
Hello to Mr Twells and some familiar names....
Take care Twellsy....
Just popping in to send a spiky hug to Twellsy...... And to wish her well and a speedy recovery.....
I've noticed there's a Large White Bear lying near the door..... Or it might be a mucky white rug I suppose.... I nearly tripped over it anyway....
Hello to Mr Twells and some familiar names....
Take care Twellsy....
- Motoring along
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
In my case, the Art Group meets in the local Church Hall and, was 'advertised' on the notice board outside and, the Church website. I found out about the Active Retirement Group from someone at the Art Group. The walking group was sheer luck, running into someone while I was on a solo walk.
The book club is run by the local library and was promoted on their notice boards. They also run periodic local history talks. Recently. OH and I attended a library talk about Edward VIII and Mrs Simpson and, their association with Himley Hall which is twenty minutes walk away from here. It was the home of the Earl of Dudley. In July, we're off to another talk about nearby Holbeache House were some of the Gunpowder Plotters fled to. The added value with these talks is that the other attendees know where other groups meet. Likewise the speakers tend to work a local 'circuit' and will tell you other places where the speak.
Talking libraries, a lot of our local ones are finding the financial climate a bit tough and, have a number of volunteers helping them to stay open.
I enjoy my activities because, quite apart from the intellectual stimulation, I value the social element. Yes, I have my OH but, we already do lots of things together. The things that I do separately add to my social contacts. We've lived here forty years and, I know more people now than I ever did going to work every day.
The book club is run by the local library and was promoted on their notice boards. They also run periodic local history talks. Recently. OH and I attended a library talk about Edward VIII and Mrs Simpson and, their association with Himley Hall which is twenty minutes walk away from here. It was the home of the Earl of Dudley. In July, we're off to another talk about nearby Holbeache House were some of the Gunpowder Plotters fled to. The added value with these talks is that the other attendees know where other groups meet. Likewise the speakers tend to work a local 'circuit' and will tell you other places where the speak.
Talking libraries, a lot of our local ones are finding the financial climate a bit tough and, have a number of volunteers helping them to stay open.
I enjoy my activities because, quite apart from the intellectual stimulation, I value the social element. Yes, I have my OH but, we already do lots of things together. The things that I do separately add to my social contacts. We've lived here forty years and, I know more people now than I ever did going to work every day.
- An Tarbh Dubh
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Thanks to all for the hugs and good wishes, passed on to 3Wells. Quick update: suspicion is now that this could be a problem with the sciatic nerve; MRI can't be done (complex but good reasons), she had a spinal X-ray this morning and when I left earlier this afternoon she was waiting the attentions of the pain specialist, and possibly the spinal surgeon. I was able to cheer her up a bit ... her "April the Giraffe" paraphernalia arrived and I brought it in, she liked that!
Best wishes to all, enjoy the good weather while it lasts ...
Best wishes to all, enjoy the good weather while it lasts ...
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Much thanks for that: I am afraid to say that I don't know if the sciatic nerve (albeit a suspicion) is better or not than the earlier Suspected ailments. But she is obviously in the right place for treatment to be expedited.
Yes Brian - That's what I includeed in my comment on Venue Changes. Our Very Big Library is on the Ground floor of the Local Council Offices, within the last few months the Various Interest Groups have been Moved out, and The County and National (i.e., Job Centre, The Registrar of B, D, and Marriages.) have been squeezed in on different dates: e.g., Searching for Ancesstors, Jobsearch for School Levers, Ditto for disbled, Long term Illness worker seeking tamer work, Age Concern, Family Mosaic, The Registrar of B, D, and Marriages. Teaching of Computer usage .. all dotted around the bookshelves....The Councils own offices for Housing/Homeless etc., Not much space left for the hobbyists. Meeting Hall in Billericay is closed, so only a schoolroom is avaialbe. Southends Library is absorbed into the University... Not many places left for Interests Group.
Now back to seeeking "Know-How" on Three wells problems. ... and then I'll unravel my brain and try to rectify some of my mis-spellings.
Yes Brian - That's what I includeed in my comment on Venue Changes. Our Very Big Library is on the Ground floor of the Local Council Offices, within the last few months the Various Interest Groups have been Moved out, and The County and National (i.e., Job Centre, The Registrar of B, D, and Marriages.) have been squeezed in on different dates: e.g., Searching for Ancesstors, Jobsearch for School Levers, Ditto for disbled, Long term Illness worker seeking tamer work, Age Concern, Family Mosaic, The Registrar of B, D, and Marriages. Teaching of Computer usage .. all dotted around the bookshelves....The Councils own offices for Housing/Homeless etc., Not much space left for the hobbyists. Meeting Hall in Billericay is closed, so only a schoolroom is avaialbe. Southends Library is absorbed into the University... Not many places left for Interests Group.
Now back to seeeking "Know-How" on Three wells problems. ... and then I'll unravel my brain and try to rectify some of my mis-spellings.
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Greetings to Spring Dragon. All friends are welcome here. Please come back.
Hope that the identification of 3Wells's health difficulty will lead either to a long term cure or, treatment that will ease her discomfort.
Hope that the identification of 3Wells's health difficulty will lead either to a long term cure or, treatment that will ease her discomfort.
- Will the Pedlar
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Hi Dragon,SpringDragon wrote:Hello....
Just popping in to send a spiky hug to Twellsy...... And to wish her well and a speedy recovery.....
I've noticed there's a Large White Bear lying near the door..... Or it might be a mucky white rug I suppose.... I nearly tripped over it anyway....
Hello to Mr Twells and some familiar names....
Take care Twellsy....
Long time no see. I trust you are well.
I actually read the kitchen thread last weekend. I see a lot of my friends are still there.... One or two who could really do with a quick blast of Dragon-type central-heating... But for the most part, people I miss.
As Brian said. Comeback and see us.
Will - LP
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Just apondering if Spring Dragon had another name.. i.e., possibly someone I know..
I'm off to see any more scribblings from 3W.
Goodnight everybuddy.
I'm off to see any more scribblings from 3W.
Goodnight everybuddy.
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Good afternoon everyone. Thoughts with 3Wells.
Bits and pieces sort of day here in the Black Country. Haircut early this morning and walked there and back, managing a 3.8 mile round trip.
Since then OH have been out at a local curtain shop, arranging to buy curtains for the recently decorated lounge.
Feet up now.
Enjoy what's left of your day people.
Bits and pieces sort of day here in the Black Country. Haircut early this morning and walked there and back, managing a 3.8 mile round trip.
Since then OH have been out at a local curtain shop, arranging to buy curtains for the recently decorated lounge.
Feet up now.
Enjoy what's left of your day people.
Re: Another Good Morning to All
Hi LP, Brian and GLO.... 'Tis I... Dragon of various seasons....Currently in Spring dress.... Not that you can see it here.... Quite pretty in a Dragon sort of way...
LP... I left the Kitchen the same time as you did... Same reason... Couldn't be doing with High and Mighty.... Lost a few friends there I cared about.... But some I still meet up with else-tread.... But don't spend much time on t'Internet now anyway.... Have sight problems ATM... Like others.... Enforced limited computer time.... Buggerit... as Himself used to say....
We've moved to the beautiful West Sussex Coast.... I love it here... People smile with their entire faces... Strangers aren't afraid to say "Hello"... Neighbours are neighbours who care about one another.... Had to escape for my own sanity.... '
Tis alright for Polar Bears who can wander off to Ice Flows whenever the fancy takes them... Have you seen the cost of a Beach Hut lately!!!!!
Food calls...
LP... I left the Kitchen the same time as you did... Same reason... Couldn't be doing with High and Mighty.... Lost a few friends there I cared about.... But some I still meet up with else-tread.... But don't spend much time on t'Internet now anyway.... Have sight problems ATM... Like others.... Enforced limited computer time.... Buggerit... as Himself used to say....
We've moved to the beautiful West Sussex Coast.... I love it here... People smile with their entire faces... Strangers aren't afraid to say "Hello"... Neighbours are neighbours who care about one another.... Had to escape for my own sanity.... '
Tis alright for Polar Bears who can wander off to Ice Flows whenever the fancy takes them... Have you seen the cost of a Beach Hut lately!!!!!
Food calls...
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Good morning all. Thoughts as ever with 3Wells.
Yes Dragon, I recognise you now! Sorry to read of your sight problems. Envious of your move to the coast however. It really is good to see you here.
Just find this board much less depressing than the other place. It wasn't those who had genuine health problems or, were concerned about loved ones that depressed me however. It was those who were demanding attention for no apparent reason. I don't need that.
I too miss my friends but, I'm in contact via e-mail with most of them.
Today being Friday, I'm joining the Action Heart Walking Group. The vast majority of the eighteen to twenty miles I walk per week, I do so on my own. This AH walk is more a social occasion, a gentle walk of four to five miles, a chance to take in the countryside around me, a chat with friends and, a leisurely cup of coffee at the end.
Today we set off from the Bratch Station. The old single track railway line that the station served was closed by Dr Beeching and is now a much used walking/cycling route. The station itself is now a Tearoom and, a very pleasant one.
The area of the Bratch is in South Staffordshire some two miles as the crow flies from where I'm sitting typing this. The area has, in my view a unique feature in that it is the site of three overlapping technologies. The first is the Staffs and Worcs Canal opened in the late 18c. The railway clearly superseded the canal as a method of transportation. Finally there is water pumping station with a wonderful steam driven pumping engine. This used to be opened regularly to the public but, the water company that owns it employed a jobsworth of a health and safety officer who decided that such open days were unsafe.
Enjoy your days people
Yes Dragon, I recognise you now! Sorry to read of your sight problems. Envious of your move to the coast however. It really is good to see you here.
Just find this board much less depressing than the other place. It wasn't those who had genuine health problems or, were concerned about loved ones that depressed me however. It was those who were demanding attention for no apparent reason. I don't need that.
I too miss my friends but, I'm in contact via e-mail with most of them.
Today being Friday, I'm joining the Action Heart Walking Group. The vast majority of the eighteen to twenty miles I walk per week, I do so on my own. This AH walk is more a social occasion, a gentle walk of four to five miles, a chance to take in the countryside around me, a chat with friends and, a leisurely cup of coffee at the end.
Today we set off from the Bratch Station. The old single track railway line that the station served was closed by Dr Beeching and is now a much used walking/cycling route. The station itself is now a Tearoom and, a very pleasant one.
The area of the Bratch is in South Staffordshire some two miles as the crow flies from where I'm sitting typing this. The area has, in my view a unique feature in that it is the site of three overlapping technologies. The first is the Staffs and Worcs Canal opened in the late 18c. The railway clearly superseded the canal as a method of transportation. Finally there is water pumping station with a wonderful steam driven pumping engine. This used to be opened regularly to the public but, the water company that owns it employed a jobsworth of a health and safety officer who decided that such open days were unsafe.
Enjoy your days people
- Motoring along
- Posts: 230
- Joined: Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:17 pm
Re: Another Good Morning to All
This morning's walk was very pleasant albeit, a little truncated because of persistent drizzle. We have to bear in mind that some of our fellow walkers are 'of a certain age' and some have health problems. As such instead of more than four miles, we did a little short of three and a half. All that said, it got warmer as the morning went on and, wearing waterproof top clothing, we got awfully hot by the end.
- Will the Pedlar
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Hi Dragon,
Well I haven't visited the kitchen much since leaving. Usually only when one of the very few I've kept in touch with vie email or other boards, have suggested there is something there I should read.
Sorry to hear of your sight problems. I hope they are being treated, you are right, there does seem to be a lot of it about.
I love West Sussex. I had an Uncle and his family living on the outskirts of Arundel when I was a lot younger. Used to love visiting them in the summer and going down onto the coast to do a spot of fishing... Happy days.
This is a very English part of Wales and we're mostly friendly too
We also tend to know everybody else or at least someone in their family anyway, so apart from newcomers of recent decades, there aren't many strangers.
If this part only had a bit of interesting coastline somewhat closer than 30+ miles away.
Don't talk to me about Beach Huts...
Actually we don't get many of those along the South Wales coast. I think it's down to the combination of a high tidal range and some mighty storms which come in off the Atlantic Western Approaches and sweep up the Bristol Channel, during some Winters.
I hope we'll see more of you here, Dragon.
Well I haven't visited the kitchen much since leaving. Usually only when one of the very few I've kept in touch with vie email or other boards, have suggested there is something there I should read.
Sorry to hear of your sight problems. I hope they are being treated, you are right, there does seem to be a lot of it about.
I love West Sussex. I had an Uncle and his family living on the outskirts of Arundel when I was a lot younger. Used to love visiting them in the summer and going down onto the coast to do a spot of fishing... Happy days.
This is a very English part of Wales and we're mostly friendly too

If this part only had a bit of interesting coastline somewhat closer than 30+ miles away.
Don't talk to me about Beach Huts...

I hope we'll see more of you here, Dragon.
- Will the Pedlar
- Getting the hang of it
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- Joined: Tue Sep 13, 2016 3:05 pm
Re: Another Good Morning to All
I'm glad somebody else had some rain, Brian.Brians Cravat wrote:This morning's walk was very pleasant albeit, a little truncated because of persistent drizzle.

Managed to get in a couple of good walks, for my dog. Probably about 4 to 5 miles each. and of course, with something for her to chase, she probably walked as much again. Perfect part of the country for walking. Surrounded by mountains and high moors.
Just going to make a cuppa and pay a quick visit to Peet's board, to see If Twellers has been in.
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Still don't know who Dragon might be...
How do the Farmers view your Dog, Will. I know in the Peak District The Sheep Farmers insist dawgs on leads until you reach way above the footpaths. (Yes I know and have Met the search Dog, Carrie)
How do the Farmers view your Dog, Will. I know in the Peak District The Sheep Farmers insist dawgs on leads until you reach way above the footpaths. (Yes I know and have Met the search Dog, Carrie)
- Will the Pedlar
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Spring Dragon is also sometimes, Winter Dragon, Autumn Dragon and Summer Dragon. She used to keep order on the hosp. bus and help with the BBQ on the roof.
The farmers don't mind me or Rattles (my dog). They know us. We know them More importantly than that. They know I always keep her on her lead, when around farm animals. My immediate neighbours are a farming family and we get on very well.
Spring Dragon is also sometimes, Winter Dragon, Autumn Dragon and Summer Dragon. She used to keep order on the hosp. bus and help with the BBQ on the roof.
The farmers don't mind me or Rattles (my dog). They know us. We know them More importantly than that. They know I always keep her on her lead, when around farm animals. My immediate neighbours are a farming family and we get on very well.
- Will the Pedlar
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Your mention of the steam engine reminded me that I meant to do a bit of promo, for an event in my nearby town at the end of this month.Brians Cravat wrote:Finally there is water pumping station with a wonderful steam driven pumping engine. This used to be opened regularly to the public but, the water company that owns it employed a jobsworth of a health and safety officer who decided that such open days were unsafe.
Enjoy your days people
They usually have one or two static steam engines, mounted on a low-loader trailer or similar.
It's always the Traction-engines that draw the crowds though - usually half a dozen or more engines turn up and they get the chance to drive around the park location, where the rally is held and if the weather is good, do a drive around the town.
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
... No Essex show this year, BUT.. If my pocket if deep enough I shall be taking my wallet to buy Spares at The Enfield Show on whenever the "Yet another" Bank Hol.
- Will the Pedlar
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
Good Morning People.
I think you have a bit of a wait, for the Enfield Town & Country Show, GLO. That's not until September I believe. If that's the show you mean.
Locally the town is booked up for something or other, pretty much every other weekend. I usually only go to the Shire Horse show, later in the year. But depending on the weather. I'll have a look at the Steam Engine Rally. Usually good for some photographs etc.
Have a good day, all.
I think you have a bit of a wait, for the Enfield Town & Country Show, GLO. That's not until September I believe. If that's the show you mean.
Locally the town is booked up for something or other, pretty much every other weekend. I usually only go to the Shire Horse show, later in the year. But depending on the weather. I'll have a look at the Steam Engine Rally. Usually good for some photographs etc.
Have a good day, all.
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Re: Another Good Morning to All
' Enfield Pageant of Motoring', Pedlar. I regret that 1950's spares are rare now, and the show is becoming a 1950's Pop Groups, Yankee and "Modifications and Stock Cars, and.. and...etc". I'm really after "Expendables Spares" (Tyres, Brake shoes, Exhaust Pipes, Carpet and Leather suppliers that I can update my address book with.
I usually take my Kid Sister to The Essex Show (She loves the Horses and Horse-powered Ploughing), but it is now finished. Pondering if Suffolk or Norfolk Shows are worth the visit..
"Kid" sister is a bit of poetic licence
I usually take my Kid Sister to The Essex Show (She loves the Horses and Horse-powered Ploughing), but it is now finished. Pondering if Suffolk or Norfolk Shows are worth the visit..
"Kid" sister is a bit of poetic licence